Saturday, January 06, 2007

Biggest Reasons Why People Who Try to Lose Weight Don't

Author: Tony Mase

3 Biggest Reasons Why People Who Try to Lose Weight Don't
Copyright (c) 2007 Tony Mase

One of the most made, if not *the* most made, yet least
kept of all New Year's resolutions is that of losing weight.

Every January 1st, millions upon millions of people set out
to try to lose their excess pounds once and for all.


The overwhelming majority of these well-intentioned folks


Here, in my opinion, are the three biggest reasons why
people who try to lose weight don't:

Reason #1 - They "try" to lose weight.

The word "try" is, in my opinion, the single biggest
"weasel word" in the entire English language.

Why do I call it a "weasel word", you ask?


The word "try", by its very definition, comes with a
built-in "escape hatch".

If you say you'll "try" to do something and you don't, you
can always use your "escape hatch" and "weasel" out of it
by saying...

"Well, I tried!"

Here's the deal...

You either will do something or you won't do something...

You either do something or you don't do something...

There's no such thing as "trying" to do something!

Think about it...

"Try" to read this article.

You can't, can you?

You either will read this article or you won't read this

You either do read this article or you don't read this

You can't "try" to read this article.


Can you "try" to lose weight.

You either will lose weight or you won't lose weight...

You either do lose weight or you don't lose weight...

It's that simple!

Reason #2 - They focus on what they don't want.

There's a Creative Power within you that makes you into the
image of that to which you give your attention.

Most people who set out to lose weight start out by saying
something like...

"I want to lose 50 pounds".


If you make a statement to yourself like...

"I want to lose 50 pounds"...

What are you giving your attention to?

Those excess 50 pounds, right?


Since that's what you're giving your attention to...

That's exactly what you'll have...

Those excess 50 pounds!

In other words...

By making a statement like...

"I want to lose 50 pounds"...

You're subconsciously setting yourself up for failure
before you even begin.


What should you do instead?


In his book "The Personal Power Course", Wallace D.
Wattles, best known for his classic masterpiece "The
Science of Getting Rich", wrote:

"... whenever you think of your physical self... think of
the IDEAL BODY WHICH YOU ARE BUILDING, and not of the body
which now is."


Therein lies the secret to successfully losing weight.

If you weigh 200 pounds and you want to weigh 150 pounds...

Rather than say...

"I want to lose 50 pounds"...


"I want to weigh 150 pounds"...


Even better...

"I weigh 150 pounds".


Form a clear and definite mental image of "the ideal body
which you are building" and hold that image in your
thoughts "whenever you think of your physical self".

Reason #3 - They hop on the scale every five minutes.

Many people who begin a weight loss program feel this
overwhelming need to hop on the scale every five minutes to
see if their weight loss program is working.


"Every five minutes" may be a bit of an exaggeration, but
for some it's not far from the truth. :-)

Here's a question for you to ponder...

If you "hop on the scale" anytime before you have the ideal
body you want, are you thinking of "the ideal body which
you are building" or of "the body which now is"?

Think about it.


There's a Creative Power within you that makes you into the
image of that to which you give your attention.


If you *really* want to shed your excess pounds this New

Here's my advice:

1. Decide *exactly* how much you want to weigh and that you
*will* weigh what you want to weigh.

2. Form a clear and definite mental image of "the ideal
body which you are building" and hold that image in your
thoughts "whenever you think of your physical self".

3. Stay off the scale (and away from mirrors :-)).

With that...

I wish you and your loved ones a wealthy, healthy,
successful, and happy New Year!

Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D.
Wattles and the publisher of the "The Personal Power
Course: Ten Lessons in Constructive Science, Teaching You
How to Use Your Own Subconscious Energies for Health,
Prosperity and Personal Achievement" ebook by Wallace D.